Maryland Unclaimed Property

Maryland unclaimed property

Maryland Unclaimed Property

 How to Check For Free if the State Owes You Money


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on unclaimed money in Maryland. If you’ve ever wondered whether the state owes you any funds, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to uncover any unclaimed assets, funds, or property that may be waiting for you in Maryland. Discover the simple steps to check if the state owes you money and how you can claim it.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Unclaimed Money
  2. Unclaimed Money in Maryland
    • What is Unclaimed Property?
    • Types of Unclaimed Property in Maryland
    • Common Sources of Unclaimed Money
  3. How to Check if Maryland Owes You Money
    • Maryland Comptroller’s Office
    • Online Search Resources
  4. Claiming Your Unclaimed Money
    • Submitting a Claim
    • Required Documentation
    • Processing Time and Fees
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    • What Happens to Unclaimed Money?
    • How Long Does the State Hold Unclaimed Property?
    • Can I Still Claim Money After Many Years?
    • Is There a Deadline for Claiming Unclaimed Property?

1. Understanding Unclaimed Money

Unclaimed money refers to any financial asset that has been abandoned or forgotten by its rightful owner. This can include dormant bank accounts, uncashed checks, insurance policies, utility deposits, stocks, bonds, and more. When individuals or businesses fail to claim these funds for a specific period of time, the state holds them as unclaimed property until the rightful owners come forward to claim them.

2. Unclaimed Money in Maryland

What is Maryland Unclaimed Property?

In Maryland, unclaimed property laws aim to protect the rights of property owners and ensure that they can reclaim their assets at any time. The state’s Comptroller’s Office serves as the custodian of unclaimed property, safeguarding these funds until they are reunited with their rightful owners.

Types of Unclaimed Property 

Unclaimed property can take various forms in Maryland. Some common examples include:

  • Bank accounts: Savings accounts, checking accounts, and certificates of deposit (CDs) that have been inactive for a specific period.
  • Forgotten security deposits: Refunds from landlords, utility companies, or other entities that remain unclaimed.
  • Uncashed checks: Payments, reimbursements, dividends, or refunds that have not been cashed.
  • Insurance policies: Unclaimed proceeds from life insurance policies, annuities, or refunds.
  • Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds: Shares or dividends that have not been claimed by the owners.
  • Safe deposit box contents: Forgotten or abandoned items stored in safe deposit boxes.

Common Sources 

Unclaimed funds can originate from various sources, including:

  • Inheritance or estate settlements
  • Forgotten bank accounts
  • Unclaimed wages or pensions
  • Insurance refunds or benefits
  • Closed or inactive businesses

3. How to Check if Maryland Owes You Money

Maryland Comptroller’s Office

The Maryland Comptroller’s Office provides a user-friendly and reliable platform to search for unclaimed property. Follow these steps to check if the state owes you money:

  1. Visit the Maryland Comptroller’s Office website.
  2. Navigate to the “Unclaimed Property” section.
  3. Click on the “Search for Unclaimed Property” link.
  4. Enter your personal information, such as your name and address, into the search fields.
  5. Review the search results to see if any unclaimed property matches your details.

Online Search Resources

Apart from the Maryland Comptroller’s Office, there are other online resources that can help you in your search for unclaimed money. These include specialized websites that aggregate unclaimed property databases from multiple sources. Some reputable resources to consider include:

  • National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA)

4. Claiming Your Unclaimed Money

Submitting a Claim

If you find unclaimed property that belongs to you, congratulations! The next step is to file a claim to initiate the process of reclaiming your funds. Typically, you will need to provide supporting documentation, such as identification proof and evidence of ownership, along with a completed claim form. The Maryland Comptroller’s Office will guide you through the specific requirements and procedures.

Required Documentation

To ensure a smooth claims process, gather the following documents:

  • Proof of identification (e.g., driver’s license, passport, social security card)
  • Proof of address (e.g., utility bill, lease agreement)
  • Supporting documents for ownership (e.g., bank statements, insurance policies)

Processing Time and Fees

The processing time for your claim may vary depending on the complexity of your case and the volume of claims being processed. It is essential to provide accurate information and complete documentation to avoid delays. Fees associated with claiming unclaimed property in Maryland are generally minimal or non-existent.

5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Happens to Unclaimed Money?

When the rightful owners fail to claim their unclaimed property within a specified period, the state holds it until the owners come forward. The state’s role is to safeguard these funds and make reasonable efforts to reunite them with their rightful owners.

How Long Does the State Hold Unclaimed Property?

In Maryland, the state generally holds unclaimed property indefinitely until the owners or their legal heirs claim it. There is no time limit for claiming unclaimed property.

Can I Still Claim Money After Many Years?

Yes, there is no expiration date for claiming unclaimed property in Maryland. You can file a claim and reclaim your funds at any time.

Is There a Deadline for Claiming Unclaimed Property?

No, there is no specific deadline for claiming unclaimed property in Maryland. However, it is recommended to initiate the process as soon as possible to avoid potential complications.

Massachusetts Unclaimed Property

Massachusetts Unclaimed Property

Massachusetts Unclaimed Property 

A Free Comprehensive Guide


Unclaimed property refers to financial assets that have been abandoned or forgotten by their rightful owners. In an effort to protect the interests of individuals and reunite them with their lost assets, the state of Massachusetts has established a robust unclaimed property reporting system. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the unclaimed property reporting process in Massachusetts, covering important details and procedures to ensure compliance and successful retrieval of unclaimed funds.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Unclaimed Property
  2. Legal Framework in Massachusetts
  3. Reporting Requirements
    1. Who Must Report
    2. Types of Property Covered
    3. Dormancy Periods
    4. Due Diligence Requirements
    5. Reporting and Remittance Deadlines
  4. Reporting Process
    1. Creating an Account
    2. Filing Reports
    3. Payment Remittance
  5. Compliance and Penalties
  6. Property Search and Claiming Process
    1. Online Search
    2. Claiming Process
  7. Resources and Support
  8. Conclusion

1. Understanding Unclaimed Property

Unclaimed property encompasses various financial assets, including bank accounts, stocks, uncashed checks, insurance proceeds, utility deposits, and more. When these assets remain dormant and the owner’s contact information becomes outdated or cannot be located, they are deemed unclaimed. State governments, including Massachusetts, take custody of these assets and work to reunite them with their rightful owners.

2. Legal Framework in Massachusetts

Massachusetts, like many other states, has enacted laws and regulations to govern the reporting and handling of unclaimed property. The primary legislative authority in Massachusetts is the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 200A, commonly known as the Massachusetts Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (MUUPA). The Office of the State Treasurer oversees the administration of unclaimed property in the state.

3. Reporting Requirements

3.1 Who Must Report

Various entities are required to report unclaimed property in Massachusetts. These include:

  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Insurance companies
  • Corporations and business associations
  • Government entities
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Safe deposit box holders

3.2 Types of Property Covered

The Massachusetts unclaimed property law covers a wide range of property types, such as:

  • Bank accounts and certificates of deposit
  • Stocks and dividends
  • Mutual funds and bonds
  • Unpaid wages and commissions
  • Gift certificates and customer credits
  • Utility and security deposits

3.3 Dormancy Periods

Dormancy periods define the duration of inactivity after which property is considered unclaimed. In Massachusetts, common dormancy periods include:

  • Bank accounts: 3 years of inactivity
  • Payroll checks: 1 year of non-cashing
  • Stocks and dividends: 3 years of no contact
  • Utility deposits: 1 year of inactivity

3.4 Due Diligence Requirements

Before reporting unclaimed property, holders must undertake due diligence efforts to locate and notify the owners. This may involve sending written notice to the owner’s last known address, using available databases, or publishing notifications in newspapers.

3.5 Reporting and Remittance Deadlines

Unclaimed property reports must be filed annually in Massachusetts, with a reporting deadline of November 1st for most holders. However, certain property types, such as securities and dividends, may have different reporting deadlines. Payment remittances must be made within 30 days of filing the report.

4. Reporting Process

4.1 Creating an Account

To begin reporting unclaimed property in Massachusetts, holders must create an online account on the official website of the state treasurer’s office. The account provides access to the reporting system and allows for secure submission of reports.

4.2 Filing Reports

The reporting process involves providing detailed information about the unclaimed property, including:

  • Owner details (name, address, social security number, etc.)
  • Description of the property
  • Date of last contact or activity
  • Value of the property
  • Any applicable exemptions

Holders are encouraged to use the official reporting forms provided by the state treasurer’s office to ensure accuracy and compliance.

4.3 Payment Remittance

Once the report is filed, holders must remit the funds corresponding to the unclaimed property to the Massachusetts State Treasurer’s office. Payments can be made electronically or via check, following the instructions provided during the reporting process.

5. Compliance and Penalties

Compliance with unclaimed property reporting regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and legal repercussions. Failure to report or late reporting can result in penalties, interest charges, and potential audits. Massachusetts imposes various penalties, including fines and interest on unreported property amounts.

6. Property Search and Claiming Process

6.1 Online Search

Individuals can search for unclaimed property using the official Massachusetts Unclaimed Property Division website. By entering their name or business information, individuals can check if they have any unclaimed assets waiting to be claimed.

6.2 Claiming Process

If unclaimed property is identified, individuals can initiate the claiming process by submitting a claim form through the website. The claim form requires specific details to verify ownership and establish a valid claim. Once the claim is submitted, it will be reviewed, and the owner will be contacted for any additional documentation or information required.

7. Resources and Support

The Massachusetts Unclaimed Property Division provides several resources to assist holders and owners in navigating the reporting and claiming processes. These resources include:

8. Conclusion

Reporting unclaimed property in Massachusetts is a critical responsibility for various entities. By understanding the legal framework, reporting requirements, and compliance procedures outlined in this guide, holders can fulfill their obligations and ensure the efficient retrieval of unclaimed funds. Likewise, individuals can utilize the resources provided by the Massachusetts Unclaimed Property Division to search for and claim their lost assets. Remember, staying informed and proactive is key to managing unclaimed property effectively.

Mississippi Unclaimed Property

mississippi Unclaimed Property

Mississippi Unclaimed Property

A Free Comprehensive Guide Introduction, Find Your Money Now!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on unclaimed property in Mississippi. If you are a resident of Mississippi or have had any financial dealings within the state, it’s essential to understand what unclaimed property is and how it can affect you. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about unclaimed property laws, reporting requirements, and the process of reclaiming your assets. So, let’s dive right in!

What is Mississippi Unclaimed Property?

Unclaimed property refers to any financial asset or property that has been abandoned by its rightful owner. This can include dormant bank accounts, uncashed checks, insurance policies, stocks, bonds, dividends, utility deposits, and much more. When the rightful owner fails to contact the financial institution or company holding their assets for a specified period (known as the “dormancy period”), these assets are considered unclaimed.

Unclaimed Property Laws in Mississippi

In Mississippi, the unclaimed property laws are governed by the Mississippi Unclaimed Property Act. This act requires businesses, financial institutions, and other organizations to report and remit unclaimed property to the Mississippi State Treasurer’s Office. The primary objective of this act is to protect the rights of owners and facilitate the return of their assets.

Reporting Requirements

Businesses and organizations in Mississippi are required to conduct due diligence to locate the rightful owners of unclaimed property. If the owner cannot be found, they must report and remit the unclaimed property to the State Treasurer’s Office by a specific deadline.

The reporting process involves gathering relevant information about the property, such as owner details, property type, and any supporting documentation. The State Treasurer’s Office provides detailed guidelines and reporting forms to ensure accurate and timely submissions.

Dormancy Periods

The dormancy period for various types of unclaimed property in Mississippi can vary. Here are some examples:

  • Bank accounts: 3 years of inactivity
  • Payroll checks: 1 year of non-payment
  • Insurance policies: 5 years of non-contact with the owner

It’s important to note that the dormancy period starts from the date of the last contact between the owner and the financial institution or company holding the assets.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with the reporting requirements outlined in the Mississippi Unclaimed Property Act can result in penalties and fines for businesses and organizations. These penalties may vary depending on the nature and severity of the violation.

The Role of the Mississippi State Treasurer’s Office

The Mississippi State Treasurer’s Office plays a crucial role in managing unclaimed property within the state. Their primary responsibilities include:

  1. Receiving and processing reports from businesses and organizations regarding unclaimed property.
  2. Maintaining a centralized database of unclaimed property records for public access.
  3. Facilitating the return of unclaimed property to rightful owners through various outreach initiatives.
  4. Assisting owners in the process of claiming their assets and providing necessary guidance and support.How to Search for Unclaimed Property in Mississippi

If you believe you may have unclaimed property in Mississippi, you can easily search for it through the official website of the Mississippi State Treasurer’s Office. The website provides a user-friendly search feature where you can enter your name or business name to check if you have any unclaimed property.

Once you initiate a search, the system will scan its database for potential matches. If any matches are found, you will be provided with detailed instructions on how to initiate the claims process.

Claiming Your Unclaimed Property

If you discover that you have unclaimed property in Mississippi, congratulations! Now, let’s walk through the steps you need to take to claim your assets:

  1. Gather Required Documentation: Before initiating the claims process, make sure you have all the necessary documentation to prove your ownership. This may include identification documents, proof of address, old account statements, or any other relevant paperwork.

  2. Complete the Claim Form: Visit the Mississippi State Treasurer’s Office website and download the official claim form. Fill out the form accurately and provide all requested information, including property details and owner identification.

  3. Attach Supporting Documents: Attach copies of the required supporting documents to your claim form. Ensure that all documents are legible and easy to understand.

  4. Submit Your Claim: Once your claim form and supporting documents are ready, submit them to the Mississippi State Treasurer’s Office as instructed. You may have the option to submit your claim online or by mail, depending on the specific guidelines provided.

  5. Follow Up and Await Response: After submitting your claim, it’s important to follow up with the State Treasurer’s Office to ensure that your application is being processed. Be patient, as the review process may take some time. Keep a record of any communication and reference numbers for future inquiries.

  6. Receive Your Property: If your claim is approved, you will receive notification from the State Treasurer’s Office. The next steps will vary depending on the type of property being returned. In some cases, you may be required to provide additional information or visit a specific location to collect your assets.


Understanding the process of unclaimed property in Mississippi is vital to protect your financial interests. By familiarizing yourself with the laws, reporting requirements, and claiming process, you increase your chances of reclaiming any unclaimed assets that rightfully belong to you. Remember to periodically search for unclaimed property using the Mississippi State Treasurer’s Office website to stay updated and take advantage of any potential opportunities to reclaim your assets.

Montana Unclaimed Property

Montana Unclaimed Property

Montana Unclaimed Property 

A Complete Guide For Free!

Are you a resident of Montana or have property in the state? Did you know that you may have unclaimed property that belongs to you? According to the Montana Department of Revenue, over $171 million in unclaimed property is waiting to be claimed by its rightful owners. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about unclaimed property in Montana.

What is Unclaimed Property?

Unclaimed property refers to financial assets that have been abandoned by their owners for an extended period of time. This can include bank accounts, stocks, bonds, insurance payments, uncashed checks, and even safe deposit box contents. In Montana, unclaimed property is considered abandoned after the owner has had no contact with the holder for a certain number of years.

How Does Property Become Unclaimed in Montana?

In Montana, financial institutions, businesses, and government agencies are required to report unclaimed property to the state treasurer’s office. Once reported, the state treasurer’s office holds the property in a custodial capacity until the rightful owner comes forward to claim it.

Montana Unclaimed Property Laws 

Montana has its own unclaimed property laws that are designed to protect the rights of the owners and ensure that the assets are returned to them. The Montana Department of Revenue is responsible for administering these laws.

Reporting Requirements

Under Montana law, businesses and financial institutions are required to report any unclaimed property to the Department of Revenue. The reporting deadline is November 1st of each year. The report must contain detailed information about the owner, the type of property, and its value.

Dormancy Periods

The dormancy period is the amount of time that must elapse before an asset can be considered unclaimed. In Montana, the dormancy periods vary depending on the type of asset. For example:

  • Bank accounts: 5 years
  • Safe deposit boxes: 5 years
  • Stocks and bonds: 3 years
  • Uncashed checks: 3 years
  • Insurance policies: 3 years

How to Search for Montana Unclaimed Property?

The Montana Department of Revenue maintains an online database of unclaimed property that is searchable by name or property ID. To search for unclaimed property, follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the “Search for Unclaimed Property” link
  3. Enter your first and last name or the property ID, and click “Search”

If your name appears on the list of unclaimed property, you can file a cl

What Documentation is Needed to Claim Unclaimed Property in Montana?

aim online or by mail.

To claim unclaimed property in Montana, you will need to provide documentation to prove your identity and ownership of the property. Acceptable forms of identification include a government-issued ID, passport, or driver’s license. To prove ownership, you may need to provide documentation such as bank statements, stock certificates, or insurance policies.

How Long Does it Take to Receive Unclaimed Property in Montana?

The process of claiming unclaimed property in Montana can take several weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the claim and the amount of documentation required. Once your claim is approved, the Montana Department of Revenue will send you a check for the amount of the unclaimed property.

What Happens to Unclaimed Property in Montana if it is not Claimed?

If unclaimed property in Montana is not claimed within a certain period of time, it may be sold at auction. The proceeds from the sale are then held in trust for the rightful owner, who can still claim the proceeds at any time.

Tips to Prevent Property from Becoming Unclaimed in Montana

To prevent your property from becoming unclaimed in Montana, there are a few simple steps you can take:

  1. Keep track of all your financial accounts and regularly check them for activity.
  2. Keep your contact information up-to-date with all financial institutions and businesses.
  3. Cash all checks promptly to prevent them from becoming stale-dated.
  4. Make a list of all your assets and keep it in a secure location.


Unclaimed property is a common issue that affects many residents of Montana. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can take the necessary steps to claim any unclaimed property that belongs to you. Don’t let your hard-earned assets go to waste – search for unclaimed property today and claim what is rightfully yours.

New Hampshire Unclaimed Property

New Hampshire unclaimed property

New Hampshire Unclaimed Property

How to Find and Claim Your Lost Assets For Free!

Have you ever lost track of a financial asset, such as a bank account, insurance policy, or safe deposit box? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have unclaimed property that they’re not even aware of. In this guide, we’ll explore how to find and claim unclaimed property in New Hampshire.

What is Unclaimed Property?

Unclaimed property refers to financial assets that are considered lost or abandoned by their rightful owners. Examples of unclaimed property include:

When an asset is considered unclaimed, it means that there has been no activity or contact with the owner for a certain period of time. The exact length of time varies depending on the type of asset and the state where it was held.

How to Search for New Hampshire Unclaimed Property

The state of New Hampshire maintains a searchable database of unclaimed property that you can use to search for any lost assets in your name. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Visit the New Hampshire Treasury’s Unclaimed Property Division website at
  2. Click on the “Search for Unclaimed Property” button.
  3. Enter your name or business name in the search box.
  4. Review the search results for any matching unclaimed property listings.
  5. If you find a listing that matches your name or business, follow the instructions to file a claim.

You may also want to search for unclaimed property in other states where you’ve lived or worked in the past.

How to Claim Unclaimed Property in New Hampshire

If you’ve found unclaimed property in your name in New Hampshire, you’ll need to file a claim to recover it. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Gather any documentation that proves your identity and ownership of the property. This may include a government-issued ID, social security number, and proof of address.
  2. Fill out the appropriate claim form from the New Hampshire Treasury’s Unclaimed Property Division website.
  3. Attach any required documentation to the claim form.
  4. Submit the claim form and documentation by mail or online.
  5. Wait for the state to review your claim and process your payment.

Note that the process of claiming unclaimed property can take several weeks or months, depending on the complexity of the case.

Tips for Preventing Unclaimed Property

The best way to avoid having unclaimed property is to stay on top of your financial accounts and assets. Here are some tips for preventing unclaimed property:

  • Keep track of all your bank accounts, insurance policies, and other financial assets.
  • Make sure to update your contact information with all financial institutions and companies.
  • Cash all checks promptly, and make sure to deposit any refunds or overpayments.
  • Review your credit reports regularly to check for any unclaimed property or accounts in your name.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that you don’t have any unclaimed property waiting for you in the future.


If you’re a resident of New Hampshire, it’s worth taking the time to search for unclaimed property in your name. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can potentially recover lost funds or assets that you didn’t even know existed. Remember to stay vigilant about keeping track of your financial accounts and assets to prevent unclaimed property in the future.


New Jersey Unclaimed Property

new Jersey unclaimed ed property

New Jersey Unclaimed Property

A Free Comprehensive Guide

Unclaimed Property in New Jersey if you’re a resident of New Jersey, did you know that you might have unclaimed money waiting for you? Unclaimed money refers to financial assets, such as bank accounts, uncashed checks, and insurance payouts, that are considered lost or abandoned by their rightful owners. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can find and claim unclaimed money in New Jersey.

What is Unclaimed Money?

Unclaimed money can come from a variety of sources, including:

When an account or asset is considered unclaimed, it means that there has been no activity or contact with the owner for a certain period of time. The exact length of time varies depending on the type of asset and the state where it was held.

How to Find New Jersey Unclaimed Property 

The state of New Jersey maintains a searchable database of unclaimed property that you can use to search for any unclaimed money or assets in your name. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Visit the New Jersey Unclaimed Property website at
  2. Click on the “Search for Unclaimed Property” button.
  3. Enter your name or business name in the search box.
  4. Review the search results for any matching unclaimed property listings.
  5. If you find a listing that matches your name or business, follow the instructions to file a claim.

You may also want to search for unclaimed money in other states where you’ve lived or worked in the past.

How to Claim Unclaimed Money in New Jersey

If you’ve found unclaimed money or assets in your name in New Jersey, you’ll need to file a claim to recover them. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Gather any documentation that proves your identity and ownership of the property. This may include a government-issued ID, social security number, and proof of address.
  2. Fill out the appropriate claim form from the New Jersey Unclaimed Property website.
  3. Attach any required documentation to the claim form.
  4. Submit the claim form and documentation by mail or online.
  5. Wait for the state to review your claim and process your payment.

Note that the process of claiming unclaimed property can take several weeks or months, depending on the complexity of the case.

Tips for Preventing Unclaimed Money

The best way to avoid having unclaimed money is to stay on top of your financial accounts and assets. Here are some tips for preventing unclaimed money:

  • Keep track of all your bank accounts, insurance policies, and other financial assets.
  • Make sure to update your contact information with all financial institutions and companies.
  • Cash all checks promptly, and make sure to deposit any refunds or overpayments.
  • Review your credit reports regularly to check for any unclaimed money or accounts in your name.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that you don’t have any unclaimed money or assets waiting for you.


If you’re a resident of New Jersey, it’s worth taking the time to search for unclaimed money or assets in your name. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can potentially recover lost funds that you didn’t even know existed. Remember to stay vigilant about keeping track of your financial accounts and assets to prevent unclaimed money in the future.


New Mexico Unclaimed Property

new Mexico unclaimed property

New Mexico Unclaimed Property: Everything You Need to Know For Free!

Are you a resident of New Mexico? Did you know that you could have unclaimed property waiting for you to claim it? In fact, millions of dollars in unclaimed property go unclaimed in New Mexico each year. But what exactly is unclaimed property, and how can you claim it? Read on to find out everything you need to know about unclaimed property in New Mexico.

What is Unclaimed Property?

Unclaimed property refers to any financial asset that has been left inactive or unclaimed by its rightful owner for a certain period of time. This could include anything from bank accounts, stocks, and bonds to uncashed checks, insurance policies, and safe deposit box contents. When the rightful owner fails to claim the property, it is turned over to the state, where it is held until the owner comes forward to claim it.

How Does Become Property Unclaimed in New Mexico?

In New Mexico, property becomes unclaimed when it has been inactive or unclaimed for a certain period of time, typically five years. The holder of the property, such as a bank or insurance company, is required to make a good faith effort to locate the rightful owner and return the property. If they are unable to do so, they are required by law to turn the property over to the state.

How to Search for Unclaimed Property in New Mexico

If you suspect that you have unclaimed property in New Mexico, the first step is to search the state’s unclaimed property database. You can do this online at the New Mexico Unclaimed Property website, which is maintained by the state’s Taxation and Revenue Department.

To search for unclaimed property in New Mexico, simply enter your name or the name of the person you are searching for in the search bar on the website. If the database finds a match, it will display the name, address, and amount of the unclaimed property. You can then file a claim to have the property returned to you.

How to Claim Unclaimed Property in New Mexico

If you find unclaimed property in your name in the New Mexico unclaimed property database, the next step is to file a claim to have the property returned to you. You can do this online at the New Mexico Unclaimed Property website, or by filling out a claim form and mailing it to the address provided on the website.

When filing a claim for unclaimed property in New Mexico, you will need to provide proof of your identity, such as a driver’s license or passport, as well as proof of your ownership of the property, such as bank statements or other financial records. Once your claim is processed and verified, the property will be returned to you.

MECE Topics to Consider

To fully cover the topic of unclaimed property in New Mexico, we have broken down the information into the following MECE topics:

What is Unclaimed Property?

How Does Property Become Unclaimed in New Mexico?

  • Inactivity or non-communication with holder
  • Holder’s legal obligation to turn over unclaimed property to the state

How to Search for Unclaimed Property in New Mexico

  • Accessing the New Mexico Unclaimed Property database
  • Entering search criteria
  • Viewing search results

How to Claim Unclaimed Property in New Mexico

  • Filing a claim online or by mail
  • Required documentation
  • Processing time


Unclaimed property in New Mexico is a common occurrence, and millions of dollars in unclaimed property go unclaimed each year. By understanding what unclaimed property is, how it becomes unclaimed, and how to search for and claim unclaimed property in New Mexico, you can potentially claim property,



Nevada Unclaimed Property

Nevada Unclaimed property

Nevada Unclaimed Property

How to Find Unclaimed Property in Nevada For Free!

Are you a resident of Nevada? Do you know that there may be unclaimed property or money that belongs to you or your family? Claim It Nevada is a website that helps Nevadans find and claim their lost or abandoned property. In this article, we will discuss the process of finding and claiming unclaimed property in Nevada using the Claim It Nevada website.

What is Nevada Unclaimed Property?

Unclaimed property refers to any financial asset that has been abandoned by its owner for a specific period of time. This can include bank accounts, stocks, insurance proceeds, uncashed payroll checks, and more. In Nevada, unclaimed property is turned over to the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office by businesses and organizations that are required by law to report and remit unclaimed property.

Why Should You Check for Nevada Unclaimed Property?

You may have unclaimed property if you have ever:

  • Moved and forgot to update your address with your financial institution
  • Changed your name and failed to inform your financial institution
  • Failed to claim a final paycheck
  • Forgotten about a bank account or insurance policy
  • Inherited property from a relative who passed away and was not aware of their financial affairs

By checking for unclaimed property, you may be able to claim money or assets that you thought were lost forever.

How to Search for Unclaimed Property in Nevada

Claim It Nevada is the official website of the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office for unclaimed property. It is free to use and provides access to the unclaimed property database. Follow these steps to search for unclaimed property in Nevada:

  1. Go to the Claim It Nevada website at
  2. Enter your name in the search bar and click on “Search.” If you have a common name, you may need to enter additional search criteria such as your city, zip code, or property type.
  3. Review the search results. If there are any matches, click on the property ID to view more details about the property.
  4. Click on the “Claim” button if the property belongs to you. You will be prompted to create an account and provide additional information to verify your identity.
  5. Once your claim is submitted, the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office will review it and contact you if they need additional information. If your claim is approved, you will receive your property or money.

Tips for Searching for Unclaimed Property in Nevada

  • Search for variations of your name, including maiden names, nicknames, and common misspellings.
  • Check for unclaimed property in other states where you have lived or conducted business.
  • Search for unclaimed property in the names of your deceased relatives.
  • Be cautious of companies that charge a fee to search for unclaimed property on your behalf. You can search for unclaimed property for free on the Claim It Nevada website.

Conclusion Imagine The Fun You Can Have For Free!

Claim It Nevada is a valuable resource for Nevadans who want to reclaim their lost or abandoned property. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can search for and claim any unclaimed property that belongs to you or your family. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reclaim what is rightfully yours!

Search Now!

North Dakota Unclaimed Property

North Dakota Unclaimed Property

North Dakota Unclaimed Property: A Comprehensive Free Guide

As a resident of North Dakota, you may have unclaimed property that you are not even aware of. Unclaimed property is any financial asset that has been abandoned by its owner and is in the possession of a third party, such as a bank, insurance company, or government agency. In North Dakota, the State Treasurer’s Office is responsible for maintaining unclaimed property records and reuniting owners with their lost assets.

Imagine You have Unclaimed Property?

Unclaimed property can take many forms, including:

When an account or asset has been inactive for a certain period of time, typically three to five years, the holder of the property is required by law to turn it over to the State Treasurer’s Office. The office then attempts to locate the rightful owner and return the property.

How to Search for North Dakota Unclaimed Property

If you think you may have unclaimed property in North Dakota, you can search for it easily and for free. The State Treasurer’s Office maintains an online database of unclaimed property that is updated regularly.

To search for unclaimed property, go to the North Dakota Unclaimed Property website and enter your name or the name of a deceased family member. If the search results show that you have unclaimed property, you can file a claim to have it returned to you.

What Happens to Unclaimed Property?

If the rightful owner of unclaimed property cannot be located, the property remains in the custody of the State Treasurer’s Office. The office continues to attempt to locate the owner and hold the property for as long as necessary.

However, if the property remains unclaimed for a certain period of time, the State Treasurer’s Office may sell it at public auction. The proceeds from the sale are then held for the owner or their heirs to claim.

Reporting Unclaimed Property

If you are a business or organization that is holding unclaimed property, you are required by law to report it to the State Treasurer’s Office. This includes banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions.

Reporting unclaimed property is a simple process that can be done online through the North Dakota Unclaimed Property website. Failure to report unclaimed property can result in penalties and fines.

Collectively Exhaustive

  1. How to Search for Unclaimed Property
  2. What Happens to Unclaimed Property
  3. Reporting Unclaimed Property


Unclaimed property is a common issue that affects many individuals and businesses in North Dakota. By using the State Treasurer’s Office’s online database, you can easily search for and claim any unclaimed property that belongs to you. It is also important for businesses to report unclaimed property as required by law. By understanding the basics of unclaimed property, you can take the necessary steps to protect your assets and ensure that they are returned to you or your heirs.

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Ohio Unclaimed Property

Ohio Unclaimed Property

Ohio Unclaimed Property: Everything You Need to Know for Free!

If you live in Ohio, there’s a chance you have unclaimed funds waiting for you. Unclaimed funds are assets that have been abandoned by their rightful owners for a variety of reasons, such as death, a change of address, or forgotten accounts. In Ohio, unclaimed funds are held by the Ohio Department of Commerce’s Division of Unclaimed Funds. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Ohio unclaimed funds.

What are Ohio unclaimed Property?

Ohio unclaimed funds are assets that have been unclaimed by their rightful owners for a certain period of time, usually between one and five years. These assets can include:

How do funds become unclaimed in Ohio?

There are a few common ways that funds become unclaimed in Ohio:

  • Death: If the owner of the asset passes away and the heirs are not aware of the asset’s existence, it can become unclaimed.
  • Change of address: If the owner of the asset moves and does not update their contact information with the asset holder, the asset can become unclaimed.
  • Forgotten accounts: If the owner of the asset forgets about it or loses track of it, the asset can become unclaimed.

How to search for Ohio unclaimed funds?

You can easily search for unclaimed funds in Ohio through the Division of Unclaimed Funds website. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Ohio Division of Unclaimed Funds website at
  2. Click on the “Search Unclaimed Funds” button.
  3. Enter your name or business name in the search field and click “Search.”
  4. If there are any matches, follow the instructions to claim your funds.

How to claim Ohio unclaimed funds?

If you find unclaimed funds that belong to you, you’ll need to file a claim with the Division of Unclaimed Funds. Follow these steps:

  1. Download and print the claim form from the Division of Unclaimed Funds website.
  2. Fill out the form completely and accurately.
  3. Provide any required documentation, such as proof of identity or ownership.
  4. Mail the form and documentation to the address provided on the form.

What happens to unclaimed funds in Ohio?

If unclaimed funds are not claimed by their rightful owners, they are held in perpetuity by the Division of Unclaimed Funds. However, the Division makes every effort to locate and return unclaimed funds to their rightful owners.

How to prevent Ohio unclaimed funds?

The best way to prevent unclaimed funds is to keep track of all your assets and keep your contact information up-to-date with the asset holders. Here are a few tips:

  • Keep a record of all your bank accounts, insurance policies, and other assets.
  • Notify your asset holders of any changes in your contact information.
  • Cash checks promptly and keep track of any outstanding checks.


Unclaimed funds are a common occurrence in Ohio, but they don’t have to be a mystery. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily search for and claim any unclaimed funds that belong to you. Remember to keep track of your assets and update your contact information regularly to prevent unclaimed funds in the future.