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One in five Floridians has unclaimed funds from a forgotten financial account
Florida Unclaimed Property is a monetary resource that is obscure or lost, or has been left latent, unclaimed or deserted by its proprietor. Unclaimed Property resources are held by business or government substances (holders) for a set timeframe, typically five years. On the off chance that the holder can’t find, restore contact with the proprietor and return the resource, it is accounted for and dispatched to the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Unclaimed Property.
The Department makes these records accessible in an accessible, intelligent information base, accessible for nothing out of pocket, 24 hours every day, and permits petitioners to start a cases cycle (with directions) for accounts they accept they are qualified for guarantee.
There is no statute of limitations on unclaimed property in Florida. Account owners, or their heirs, can claim their funds indefinitely, free of charge.
General Questions
How Do Accounts Become Unclaimed Property?
What is unclaimed property?
Unclaimed Property is a financial asset that is unknown or lost, or has been left inactive, unclaimed or abandoned by its owner. The most common types of unclaimed property are dormant bank accounts, unclaimed insurance proceeds, stocks, dividends, uncashed checks, deposits, credit balances and refunds. Unclaimed property also includes contents from abandoned safe deposit boxes in financial institutions. Unclaimed property assets are held by business or government entities (holders) for a set period of time, usually five years. If the holder is unable to locate, re-establish contact with the owner and return the asset, it is reported and remitted to the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Unclaimed Property.
Why do the accounts come to the state?
Chapter 717, Florida Statutes, requires the unclaimed property assets be held by business or government entities (holders) for a set period of time, usually five years. If the holder is unable to locate, re-establish contact with the owner and return the asset, it is reported and remitted to the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Unclaimed Property.
Are any efforts made to find owners? What if money is not claimed?
Businesses (holders of unclaimed property) are required to try to locate the owner, but when their attempts fail, they report the property and the owner’s name, last known address and other information to the Department. The Department acts as custodian for the State of Florida, but never takes legal ownership of the property. The State uses various methods, including database searches, in an effort to notify owners of their property. Citizens have the right to claim their property, at no cost, any time, regardless of the amount.
What does the State do with the money before it is claimed?
Unclaimed funds are deposited into the State School Fund and used to support public schools. However, the original amount reported can always be claimed by the owner, or his/her heirs, at no cost.
Does the state pay interest on claims?
Chapter 717, Florida Statutes, does not provide for the payment of interest on claims other than that reported and remitted to the Department by the holder.
Search for and Claim Unclaimed Property
How do I search for unclaimed property?
Begin by searching the interactive database, available free of charge, 24 hours a day, which allows claimants to initiate a claims process (with instructions) for accounts they believe they are entitled to claim. For the best results, search all known names (maiden name, married names, nick-names).
Start an Unclaimed Property Search
Submitting Claim
I have received my claim form, what do I do now?
Read carefully, fill out completely and sign your claim form. Each claim form will detail the documentation you are required to provide. The required documentation will include (but may not be limited to) a copy of your current identification reflecting your current mailing address and documentation proving your ownership of the account. Please refer to your claim form for the specific documentation required for your particular claim. Mail the completed claim form with the required documentation to the address indicated on the form.
How Do I Prove the Account Belongs to Me?
Each claim form will detail what documentation will be required in order to verify your ownership of the property. Having the same name as that on an account does not establish entitlement, as there are many people who share the same names. Often, claims are received from more than one person with the same name, trying to claim the same account(s). Proper entitlement can only be established by providing the required documentation. Providing your identification alone may not be sufficient. What documentation you are asked to submit may vary depending upon what information the company that reported the funds to the department provided about the owner of the account. You may be asked for documentation of your Social Security Number, a past address or proof of your past connection or relationship to the entity that reported the account to the Department. If you are the heir of a deceased account owner, you will also be asked to provide certified copies of official documentation that establishes your entitlement to the property. Examples of unacceptable documentation are: hand written letters, letterhead and business cards, printouts from the Internet and telephone directories.
What Types of Identification are Accepted?
Florida law requires claimants to provide a copy of their driver’s license or another form of government-issued photographic identification. If your Identification does not reflect your current address, please include other documentation (such as a current utility bill, etc.) reflecting your current mailing address in addition to your Identification and proof of ownership. If the account has more than one owner and one of the owners is deceased, a certified death certificate for the deceased owner is required in addition to the Identification for the person claiming the account. Note: Each claimant must submit identification and sign the claim form.
What if the Original Owner of the Property is Deceased?
Proof of ownership (detailed above) must still be established with documentation (as detailed on your claim form). In addition, you must provide a certified death certificate for the owner, along with identification and signed claim forms for all heirs of the owner (or for the personal representative if the estate remains open). Additional documentation may be required depending on the specific case. Please review the Florida Administrative Code section 69G-20.0022 (3) for more information.
After Submitting a Claim
How long does it take to get my money?
The Department is allotted up to 90 days from the date it receives your complete claim package to make a determination. Claims are often processed sooner, but due to the high volume of claims received by the department, the full 90-day period may be required to finalize your claim. Please allow this time period to pass before calling our office. The period may be extended if all of the required documentation is not included with the original claim package. Please read your claim form carefully to ensure you provide all of the necessary documentation. Failure to return your claim form completely filled-out, along with all of the required documentation, will result in the missing information being requested, and the delay of processing your claim.
Was my claim received?
Click here to see if the Department received your claim.
I’ve moved since I sent my claim in, what do I do?
To request a change of address, or if you believe your check may have been lost in the mail, please have your claim number ready and call the Customer Service line. You may also email us to inform us of the address change or to make inquiries regarding your check.
What if the Original Owner of the Property is Deceased?
Proof of ownership (detailed above) must still be established with documentation (as detailed on your claim form). In addition, you must provide a certified death certificate for the owner, along with identification and signed claim forms for all heirs of the owner (or for the personal representative if the estate remains open). Additional documentation may be required depending on the specific case. Please review the Florida Administrative Code section 69G-20.0022 (paragraph 3) for more information.